In five years, a machine may exist that can read complex thoughts. Who gets to control this power? How Technology May Soon “Read” Your Mind, 60 Minutes: Incredible […]
Lawmakers and Financial Experts Question Obama’s Tax Cuts –
Perhaps it would be good for people to vote the opposite of their particular ideologies. In this case, we have a Democrat terrified of being portrayed as a […]
Obama raps Bowl Championship Series: ‘We need a playoff’ –
While I agree, is this really something Obama should be working on? I suppose he’s a man who can get things done, but let’s get something else fixed […]
Can ‘Green Jobs’ Stimulate The Economy? : NPR
How many “Green” jobs could there really be…and are the people looking for work even qualified to fill them? Link
Obama Administration to Looks for Cost Savings at NASA?
Some interesting follow-up pieces to podcast #6, via New Scientist and, respectively: Obama team to raise questions over Ares rocket Obama Moves to Counter China With Pentagon-NASA […]
Making Connections, Gadget to Gadget –
How far away are we from getting any kind of hardware and software standards for all this Web 2.0 stuff? It seems like the platforms just keep proliferating…are […]
Should nuclear fuels be taken out of national hands?
A piece from New Scientist that discusses the possibility of an international oversight agency for nuclear power. The goal– prevent arms proliferation while taking advantage of a relatively […]
Podcast #6 – The Final Frontier
This week on the podcast, Kyle and I got together to talk with our friend Dave about issues surrounding NASA and the aerospace industry as a new presidential […]
The Recyclin’-est Town In the East
The Christian Science Monitor has a story today about the village of Kamikatsu, Japan, where they have done away with public trash bins, landfills, and they recycle 80% […]