Amazing Friends, Episode 23: The X-Men Adventure

We’re Back!!

After a paternity hiatus (which did come unexpectedly early), Bryan and I are back and ready to wind down our re-watch of Amazing Friends before turning our attention to the next Spidey series…

This week, it’s the most memorable episode from Jason’s childhood – the Spider Friends pay a visit to that lovable team of mutants up in Westchester. Gosh, I loved all the guest stars on this show when I was a kid, but none more than the X-Men… Here, a physicist-turned-cyborg from Firestar’s past returns to haunts her friends and turn the X-Mansion against its occupants.

Who’s your favorite sci-fi Killer Robot? Let us know!

“Giant-Size X-Men” by roadkillbuddha is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0