Full Circle: The Spider-Man movie & final good-byes

Oh my, what a dramatic title there.

While it was not the original plan, it turns out that this will be the final episode of Spider-Man and His Amazing Fans. As Bryan and I discuss as the episode gets rolling, it turns out that talking about the Sam Raimi/Tobey Maguire film from 2002 is an appropriate spot to finish.

We also have guests! Since it’s a ‘cast about a movie, we welcome in Nemo and BJB from Shallow Cinema to talk through it with us. I think all four of us had a lot fun as we move through the beginning of a 90s Spidey script from James Cameron, to Sam Raimi’s “superhero” chops in Darkman, to the soundtrack, to the effects, and Spider-Man‘s place in modern comic movie history.

What a ride. Not just this one, but the whole thing. We hope you enjoyed it.

If you missed stuff along the way, or you joined us late, feel free to poke around the feed and listen back at your leisure; the episodes should remain available for the foreseeable future. Excelsior!

spider-man logo on a kid’s t-shirt” by miguelb is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Spider-Man Theme by The Muddlehead

Podcast cover art by Robb Mommaerts

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