The Six Forgotten Warriors arc reaches its conclusion! WHAT is Red Skull’s doomsday weapon? HOW will Spidey, Silver Sable, and the American Warriors thwart the Skull’s plans. … […]
Spidey 94, Season 5 Episode 5: Six Forgotten Warriors Part 4
OK, are you all caught up? You’ve heard the story–nay, LEGEND–of the Six American Warriors? If so, you’re ready to party here in Chapter 4. The old guys […]
Spidey 94, Season 5 Episode 4: Six Forgotten Warriors Part 3
NOW THIS IS ALL STARTING TO MAKE SENSE. Spidey finally gets the whole story about the Six Forgotten Warriors and Red Skull’s doomsday machine, as told by Robbie’s […]
Spidey 94, Season 5 Episode 3: Six Forgotten Warriors Part 2
Spidey and Robbie’s Big Russian Adventure concludes in Chernobyl, of all places! The mystery of Pete’s parents apparently (??) reaches its conclusion, but the story of the Six […]
Spidey 94, Season 5 Episode 2: Six Forgotten Warriors Part 1
Aunt May decides to sell the house, and Peter begins to uncover the shady details about the death of his parents as the story of the Six Forgotten […]
Spidey 94, Season 4: Partners In Danger, Chapters 6 and 7
It’s a SUPER-SIZED podcast covering BOTH episodes of the Partners In Danger Morbius arc! If you really dig leech-handed, Saturday-morning pseudo-vampires, I’m sorry for how hard we rag […]
Spidey 94, Season 2 Ep 1 & 2: The Insidious Six
Season 2 opens with a bang, so grab your earplugs if necessary! Kingpin is assembling a villainous team of nearly everyone who tried–and failed–to take Spidey down in […]
Spidey 94, Episode 10: The Alien Costume (part 3)
Things are finally back to normal for the ol’ webslinger… or ARE THEY?? Spidey goes toe-to-toe with his symbiotic nemesis, Venom. It’s a story that’s part web-shooting action […]
Spidey 94, Episodes 8 & 9: The Alien Costume (part 1-2)
Crank the intensity up to 11, Spider-Man gets a new costume from space! Did you say ‘guest star’? How about RHINO, SHOCKER, KINGPIN? Jamesons both young and old! […]